Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Long-term use of prescription painkillers for back pain linked to erectile dysfunction in men

May 15, 2013 ? Regularly taking prescription painkillers, also known as opioids, is associated with a higher risk of erectile dysfunction, according to a study published online today in the journal Spine.

The researchers included more than 11,000 men with back pain in the study and examined their health records to find out if the men taking prescription painkillers were more likely to also receive prescriptions for testosterone replacement or ED medications.

More than 19 percent of men who took high-dose opioids for at least four months also received ED prescriptions, while fewer than 7 percent of men who did not take opioids received ED prescriptions.

In the study, men over 60 were much more likely to receive ED prescriptions, but even after researchers adjusted for age and other factors, men taking high-dose opioids were still 50 percent more likely to receive ED prescriptions than men who did not take prescription painkillers.

"Men who take opioid pain medications for an extended period of time have the highest risk of ED," said study lead author Richard A. Deyo, MD, MPH, investigator with the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research and professor of Evidence-based Family Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University.

"This doesn't mean that these medications cause ED, but the association is something patients and clinicians should be aware of when deciding if opioids should be used to treat back pain," Dr. Deyo added.

Opioid use is growing in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Mortality and Morbidity Report, prescription opioid sales quadrupled between 1999 and 2010. Another recent survey, published in the journal Pain, estimates 4.3 million adults in the U.S. use these opioid medications on a regular basis. The most commonly used prescription opioids are hydrocodone, oxycodone and morphine.

"There is no question that for some patients opioid use is appropriate, but there is also increasing evidence that long-term use can lead to addiction, fatal overdoses, sleep apnea, falls in the elderly, reduced hormone production, and now erectile dysfunction," says Dr. Deyo, who has spent more than 30 years studying treatments for back pain.

For this study, Dr. Deyo and colleagues identified 11,327 men in Oregon and Washington enrolled in the Kaiser Permanente health plan who visited their doctors for back pain during 2004. The researchers examined the men's pharmacy records for six months before and after the back-pain visit to find out if they had filled prescriptions for opioids and for ED medications ortestosterone replacement.

Opioid use was categorized as "none" for men who did not receive a prescription for opioids; "acute" for men who took opioids for three months or less; "episodic" for men who took opioids for more than three months, but less than four months and with fewer than 10 refills; and "long-term" for men who took opioids (a) for at least four months or (b) for more than three months with 10 or more refills. Anything more than 120 mg of morphine equivalent was categorized as high-dose use.

More than 19 percent of the men who took high-dose opioids for at least four months also received ED medications or testosterone replacement. More than 12 percent of men who took low-dose opioids (under 120 mg) for at least four months also received ED medications or testosterone replacement. Fewer than 7 percent of men who didn't take opioids received ED medications or testosterone replacement.

Researchers found that age was the factor most significantly associated with receiving ED prescriptions. Men 60 to 69 were 14 times more likely to receive prescriptions for ED medication than men 18 to 29.

Depression, other health conditions (besides back pain), and use of sedative hypnotics like benzodiazepines also increased the likelihood that men would receive ED prescriptions.

But even after researchers adjusted for these factors, long-term opioid use increased the likelihood of also receiving prescriptions for ED medication by 50 percent.


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Sunday, May 5, 2013

George Jones memorial: Nashville honors music legend

George Jones memorial: Thousands gathered at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville to pay their respects to George Jones, whose voice defined country music for more than half a century.

By Chris Talbott,?AP Music Writer / May 2, 2013

Kid Rock speaks during the funeral for country music star George Jones in the Grand Ole Opry House on Thursday, May 2, in Nashville, Tenn. George Jones, one of country music's biggest stars, had No. 1 hits in four separate decades.

Mark Humphrey / Pool / AP


For a guy who sang so many sad songs, George Jones left behind a lot of laughs.

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There was more humor than sadness at Jones' funeral Thursday at the Grand Ole Opry House as thousands gathered in Nashville ? some arriving hours before sunrise ? to pay their respects to the man whose voice has defined country music for more than half a century.

Friend after friend related stories of Jones' kindness, his love for his widow, Nancy, who's credited with helping him survive his personal demons later in life, and the funny little moments that will stick with them always.

Barbara Mandrell remembered the kindnesses he gave a scared 13-year-old girl just getting her start in the business. Former first lady Laura Bush remembered dumping quarter after quarter into the jukebox to hear "The Race Is On." Wynonna Judd remembered his perfect hair and his friendship. And Vince Gill remembered the man who gave him the nickname "Sweet Pea," a moniker he wasn't sure he liked at first but now treasures.

"The great thing is every time someone calls me Sweet Pea, I'll get to think about him," Gill said before earning a standing ovation for his rendition of "Go Rest High on That Mountain" with Patty Loveless.

The nearly 3-hour memorial was attended by several major country stars and political figures. Nancy Jones sat flanked by Bush and Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood. Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam spoke, as did former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. CBS host Bob Schieffer recalled a 2009 interview with Jones where the singer's true personality seemed to show through.

"I came away feeling his whole life was a surprise to him and he never quite believed any of it," Schieffer said.

Each of the stars who performed had a personal connection to Jones. Randy Travis, who was anointed a traditional country voice by Jones, sang "Amazing Grace," a song Jones had once put his own personal stamp upon.

"When I heard him do this song, it literally gave me chills," Travis said.


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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Physics teacher adopts Google Glass, gives students a glance at CERN (video)

Physics teacher adopts Google Glass, gives students a firsthand look at CERN video

When Google asked what we'd do if we had Glass, it was no doubt hoping we'd produce some world-changing ideas. We now know at least a few exist, courtesy of physics teacher Andrew Vanden Heuvel. He's long been hoping to use the wearable tech for remote teaching and one-on-one sessions, and the Glass Explorer program has given him the chance to do just that. His first stop? None other than CERN. Courtesy of a trip for Google's new Explorer Story video series, Vanden Heuvel is the first person to teach a science course while inside the Large Hadron Collider tunnel, streaming his perspective to students thousands of miles away. While we don't know if other Explorer Stories will be quite as inspiring, we'll admit to being slightly jealous -- where was Glass when we were kids?

[Thanks, Peter]

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Source: AGL Initiatives


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US and Britain consider arming Syrian rebels

The bar is set high, but the US could begin providing body armor, night-vision goggles, rifles, and other basic arms to Syria's rebels.

By Ariel Zirulnick,?Staff writer / May 3, 2013

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, accompanied by British Defense Secretary Philip Hammond speaks during their joint news conference at the Pentagon, Thursday, where they talked about Syria.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP


? A daily summary of global reports on security issues.

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Middle East Editor

Ariel Zirulnick is the Monitor's Middle East editor, overseeing regional coverage both for and the weekly magazine. She is also a contributor to the international desk's terrorism and security blog.?

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Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel confirmed yesterday that the US was reexamining its consistent opposition to arming the Syrian rebels, though cautioned that considering action was not the same as taking action.

?You look at and rethink all options," Secretary Hagel said during a Pentagon news conference, according to The New York Times.

Hagel is the first official to publicly acknowledge the shift that most observers assumed was happening, based on comments earlier this week by President Obama. After Hagel's press conference, the president said that the defense secretary's announcement coincided with a view he had held for "months," according to The Daily Star in Lebanon.

The US already provides communication gear and basic rations to Syrian rebels, and could begin including body armor, night-vision goggles, rifles, and other basic arms, The Wall Street Journal reports.?

British Defense Secretary Philip Hammond appeared alongside Hagel at the press conference, and said that Britain is also cautiously considering providing arms. A European Union arms embargo on Syria is still in place, but its expiration in May paves the way for a debate on so-called "lethal aid."

"It's a rapidly changing situation," Mr. Hammond said, according to the Wall Street Journal. "We've kept all our options open. We have not thus far provided any arms to the rebels, but we have never said it's something we will not do."

Hammond said that the US and Britain "have a great deal of knowledge about the location of chemical weapons" in Syria, but that they have not been able to track all of them, likely because President Bashar al-Assad has ordered them moved around the country.

Although the US has found evidence that the nerve agent sarin gas was used, it has been unable to prove that it was used by regime forces. Some military officials worry that extremist rebel groups may have used the gas to catalyze stronger international support for the opposition, the Wall Street Journal reports.?

The extreme caution with which the US and Britain are approaching the issue is likely a reflection of concern about repeating the mistakes in Iraq, in which the US invaded based on intelligence later proven false.

"There is a strong sense in UK public opinion that we went to war in Iraq on the back of evidence that proved not to be correct," Mr. Hammond said. "In British political space, it is called the dodgy dossier."

... "We have to be absolutely sure we are on firm ground and we're not looking at another dodgy dossier," he said.

However, CNN reports that the level of confidence the Obama administration and Britain want before they commits military aid may be too high a bar, noting that the United Nations' efforts to launch an independent investigation have so far been blocked.?

Yesterday Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also cited the bad intelligence on Iraq and said that the UN should focus on forcing Assad to allow an investigation, according to Bloomberg Businessweek.

?The blanket authorization to have unimpeded access to any site or any person in Syria resembles very much the Security Council resolutions in Iraq, and we all remember the end of that story,? Mr. Lavrov said at a press conference.

Even at their most cautious, world leaders seem to be somewhat out of sync with Arab publics on this issue. The Christian Science Monitor reported yesterday that, according to a Pew Research Center poll, Arab citizens remain largely opposed to arming the rebels, either by the US and Europe or other Arab countries.

Eighty percent of Lebanese oppose Western arming of the rebels, and even among Sunnis, who are generally sympathetic to the predominantly Sunni opposition, a solid majority of 66 percent oppose the West sending military aid. Unsurprisingly, almost all (98 percent) of Lebanese Shiites oppose sending arms; the regime's base is predominantly Alawite, a Shiite sect.?

The picture changes slightly when such aid is coming from other Arab countries, but only Lebanese Sunnis join Jordan in supporting the idea ? 65 percent of Jordanians favor sending arms and other military supplies, while 63 percent of Lebanese Sunnis do (to show how starkly divided Lebanon is over the Syrian war, hold that up against the 97 percent of Lebanese Shiites who oppose Arab countries sending military aid).?

The results should be examined with the caveat that the poll was conducted in March, before evidence surfaced that the Assad regime had used chemical weapons.

The New York Times reports that the US shift is not only attributable to a growing conviction that chemical weapons have been used. A senior official said that "growing confidence" in Gen. Salim Idriss, who leads the opposition's Supreme Military Council, is another factor.?

The defected Syrian Army soldier has "impressed?US officials with his moderate instincts, his commitment to inclusiveness, and his pledge to reject extremist elements like Al Nusra, a group that has links to Al Qaeda," according to The New York Times.

The possibly of the conflict becoming further militarized comes as Lakhdar Brahimi, the?United Nations special envoy to Syria, prepares to quit his post, further hampering diplomatic efforts that have barely gotten off the ground, The Daily Star reports.?

The five permanent members of the UN Security Council have urged Mr. Brahimi to stay, but according to one anonymous UN diplomat, he has already stepped down.


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Friday, May 3, 2013

Instagram Finally Adds a Real People-Tagging Feature (Updated)

The Facebookification of Instagram continues today as the photo sharing service just added an official feature for tagging people photos. And of course, these photos will all be grouped together on your profile page in a "Photos of You" section.

Before today tagging people in Instagram posts worked in the @reply style of Twitter. You could mention people, but you didn't necessarily know whether they were in the photo or whether you were just calling their attention to a post. Now, it works just the way it does on Facebook. As with Facebook you'll be able to rigorously monitor what photos you're tagged in, as well as the sharing settings for your photos section.

The update hits with Instagram version 3.5, which is slowly trickling its way into the App Store and Google Play.


Alright, we got the app update installed on an iPhone. One very disappointing point to note , though, is that the new photos section is empty when you get to it which means that old-style @reply tags don't won't be integrated in any obvious way into the new system. That might make sense, since that tool is more akin to a conversational mention than a proper tag.

Otherwise the functionality works more or less as you'd expect. You snap a photo, add your favorite sepia filter, and then head over to the share screen where you will see the option to add people to the photo. And if you forget to add someone, you can always do it from the published post.



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George W. Bush library opens to public

DALLAS (AP) ? The George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum opened to the public Wednesday, with the 43rd president greeting 43 area schoolchildren who were its first visitors.

"It was amazing seeing one of our nation's leaders who left an eight year legacy behind him," said Eduardo Borrego, a 6th grader Mark Twain Elementary in Richardson. He added, "I was like, 'I can't believe he's here.'"

The library and museum, along with Bush's policy institute, are housed in the George W. Bush Presidential Center on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas. The center was dedicated last week during a ceremony that featured Bush, President Barack Obama, and former Presidents Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush, who is Bush's father.

The 43 Dallas-Fort Worth area students were chosen by their superintendents to be the first visitors to the museum Wednesday, said library and museum spokesman John Orrell. He said about 300,000 visitors a year are expected.

The museum includes exhibits on the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, the Florida recount and other historical events. There is also a replica of the Oval Office, where the Bush met with the students.

Jean Lundin, 65, and her sister, Joyce Richards, 62, emerged in tears from the part of the museum dedicated to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"It was like it brought it back like it was yesterday, happening all over again," said Richards of Garland.

Lundin, clutching Bush's autobiography as she went through the museum, had traveled to Dallas from her home in Marquette, Mich., so the two could be there on the opening day.

"I just think politically he's exactly consistent with my values," said Lundin, a retired professor who said she used to tell her students that she was Bush's second biggest fan, only behind former first lady Laura Bush.

Kylie Franklin, 12, a 6th grader at Reagan Middle School in Grand Prairie, along with her sister, Makaylin Franklin, a 5th grader at Dickinson Elementary Academy in Grand Prairie, were among the students who met the president.

"That was an amazing experience," Kylie Franklin said.

She said that among questions the students asked Bush was whether he would run again for president if he could. "He said 'no,'" said Franklin, who along with her sister has visited all 13 presidential libraries run by the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.

Larry Touchon, 85, and Yolanda Touchon, 72, of Amarillo, made the visit their honeymoon trip after getting married April 21 in Las Vegas.

"We just wanted to tie this in with our marriage. He's such a great guy," Larry Touchon said as his voice broke, adding, "He saved this country in 9-11, there's no question about it."

Mike Palmer, 45, came from Los Angeles to be in Dallas for the opening. "He's my favorite president, so why not?" he said.


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HTC looks to boost One sales with new weekend promo, offers $100 to $375 for trade-ins

HTC has already gone the trade-in route to offer folks a discount on its new One smartphone, but it's now giving it another go this weekend with an expanded promo in the US and Canada. This new one is open to anyone that buys an HTC One between today and Sunday, May 5th (the previous promotion required folks to pre-register), and it now offers up to $375 for smartphones that you trade-in. Unless you're looking to unload your brand new smartphone in a hurry, though, you may want to check around for the going rates first. The slightly better option is for folks who've been sticking with an aging phone; as before, HTC is guaranteeing at least $100 for your trade-in, so you may well get more from it than you would on the open market (assuming you want to buy a One, of course). Those interested can find all the fine print and check the value of their phone at the source link below.

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Source: HTC


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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Breakthrough Bioengineered Blood Vessels Enter Clinical Trials

It's been a busy year-and-a-half for bioengineer Laura Niklason and her partners at the biotech firm Humacyte. Since winning a 2011 Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Award, the team's lab-grown blood vessels were transplanted into primates for a six-month trial, where they were found to be safe. Now they're being tested in Poland in a small group of humans with kidney failure, and the FDA has just approved a similar trial in the U.S.

Patients with kidney failure need to have their blood cleaned every week by a dialysis machine. That requires two big needles: One to draw blood out of the artery and a second to put the filtered blood back into a vein. But for the blood to flow through the dialysis machine quickly, doctors have to slightly rearrange the body's plumbing by linking up a vein and artery in the patient's forearm. The increased blood flow to the vein makes it larger and easier to prick with a needle.

Often, doctors must make the link using an artificial blood vessel made out of Teflon. Unfortunately, Teflon grafts are prone to infection, blood clotting, and immune rejection. On average, 40 percent of Teflon grafts fail within a year, says Niklason, a Yale University bioengineer and founder of Humacyte.

Humacyte's lab-grown blood vessels don't use synthetic materials. They rely on a biodegradable scaffolding of tiny fibers interwoven into the shape of the target blood vessel. The scientists seed the scaffold with blood vessel cells, then place it into a bioreactor for eight to ten weeks. Eventually the cells grow over the entire scaffold, building their own collagen matrix. The scaffolding later disintegrates, and the scientists wash away the cells (which would trigger an immune response if they entered the patient's body). What's left is a tubular collagen matrix?an all-natural, non-immunogenic blood vessel replacement.

"This collagen matrix graft was made by blood vessel cells, so it's sort of like the ideal home," Niklason says. "After it gets implanted, cells from the recipient actually repopulate it and turn it into a living vein."

So far the bioengineered blood vessels have succeeded in dogs and primates, where they were found to be durable and didn't cause the side effects of Teflon blood vessels. The U.S. trials?which commence next month?will test the safety of the artificial blood vessels in 20 human patients. If the trial goes well, Humacyte will move on to bigger, long-term studies to determine whether their blood vessels perform better than the alternatives.

Niklason couldn't say much about the preliminary results of the ongoing trial, but she says the team has gotten good feedback from patients.

"All of these patients have been on dialysis for a while, and they've all had multiple graft failures," Niklason says. When grafts fail, surgeons have to go in and replace the patient's graft or remove blood clots, neither of which is pleasant for the patients. "So we've had a few that are delighted that they have a shot with this new technology."

The bioengineered blood vessels have many potential applications beyond kidney dialysis, including bypass surgeries to get around clogged arteries. The collagen scaffolding system one day could help to build replacement intestines, airways, and other tubular structures in the body. If the trials continue to be successful, Niklason estimates the ready-made blood vessels could be FDA-approved by 2017.


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4 Signs It's Time To Fire An Employee - Business Insider


Not everyone is going to fit in with the mission and goals of your company. Keeping an employee around who isn't contributing positively can really hurt a company?especially a small business where culture can be closely tied to success. If an employee is showing any of these four signs, it might be time to let them go.

1. Not performing up to expectations

It doesn?t matter how much you appreciate employees' efforts?if they?re failing to meet their expectations month after month, they may not be a good fit for your business. Not only are they costing you money, but?they?re pushing responsibilities onto other colleagues, causing?stress within an organization.?

One solution, when you spot a poor performer, is to offer this employee a short-term improvement plan. However, if this person fails to improve within this specific time period, you should work on a transition plan to give him or her time to find another job while you find a replacement.

2. Can't handle change

Growth is crucial, especially for small, fast-moving companies. If an employee, when first hired, was a high performer but can't keep pace?or move in the same direction as the company, then he or she is no longer the right fit. Companies need to continue to improve and evolve to be successful, and so do their workers.

?Change is inevitable, especially at a fast-moving company. Employees need to be comfortable with change and eager to improve our abilities,? says Matthew Bellows, CEO of Yesware. ?We need to keep our skills growing at pace with the company.?

3.?Lacks enthusiasm and drive

It's easy?to be motivated in the early stages,?but?as a company grows and hits a few bumps, that's when it's easy to see who's aligned with the company's values and committed to?carrying a company through the long term, and who isn't.

?Everyone who gets through our interview process is excited for the opportunities ahead. But we all need to maintain, and even increase, our motivation in those months ahead,? Bellows says. ?Bravery is required. We won?t all feel motivated and brave all the time. But we value people who are passionate about our work and motivated to lean in further.?

4. Doesn't fit into company's culture

Most of the time, hiring managers are so focused on hiring someone with the right skills, they forget that it?s also important to hire someone who understands the goals of your company.??Many people default into choosing people who have high competence but a low cultural fit. This is a deadly mistake in a startup, as this is exactly the wrong person to hire,??Brad Feld, a managing director at Foundry Group,?wrote for?The Wall Street Journal.??While they may have great skills for the role you are looking for, the overhead of managing and integrating this person into your young team will be extremely difficult.??

?This is especially true if they are in a leadership position, as they will hire other people who have a cultural fit with them, rather than with the organization, creating even more polarization within your young company,? Feld adds.

Feld says?the perfect?candidate?is a culture fit with ?medium? competence, who is ambitious enough to learn new?skills within a short period of time.?

Next Steps

If you have evaluated an employee's performance, attitude toward growth, motivation and cultural fit, and decide it's in your company's best interest to let him or her go, you still need to consider one more thing: legal issues. According to?employment law firm?Stone Business Law, one of the most important things to consider is whether or not you?re firing someone for the right reasons. If there is even the slightest chance that the reason you?re asking someone to leave has anything to do with age, race, sex, national origin, religion and disability, you should consult with a lawyer or HR specialist immediately before making any decisions.

Also, plan on having two people in the room when you?re telling someone he or she is fired. It not only will help you be more rational and?keep your emotions in check, but the?other person can serve as a witness and take?notes, in the event the employee files a claim against?the company.



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Studying meteorites may reveal Mars' secrets of life

May 1, 2013 ? In an effort to determine if conditions were ever right on Mars to sustain life, a team of scientists, including a Michigan State University professor, has examined a meteorite that formed on the Red Planet more than a billion years ago.

And although this team's work is not specifically solving the mystery, it is laying the groundwork for future researchers to answer this age-old question.

The problem, said MSU geological sciences professor Michael Velbel, is that most meteorites that originated on Mars arrived on Earth so long ago that now they have characteristics that tell of their life on Earth, obscuring any clues it might offer about their time on Mars.

"These meteorites contain water-related mineral and chemical signatures that can signify habitable conditions," he said. "The trouble is by the time most of these meteorites have been lying around on Earth they pick up signatures that look just like habitable environments, because they are. Earth, obviously, is habitable.

"If we could somehow prove the signature on the meteorite was from before it came to Earth, that would be telling us about Mars."

Specifically, the team found mineral and chemical signatures on the rocks that indicated terrestrial weathering -- changes that took place on Earth. The identification of these types of changes will provide valuable clues as scientists continue to examine the meteorites.

"Our contribution is to provide additional depth and a little broader view than some work has done before in sorting out those two kinds of water-related alterations -- the ones that happened on Earth and the ones that happened on Mars," Velbel said.

The meteorite that Velbel and his colleagues examined -- known as a nakhlite meteorite -- was recovered in 2003 in the Miller Range of Antarctica. About the size of a tennis ball and weighing in at one-and-a-half pounds, the meteorite was one of hundreds recovered from that area.

Velbel said past examinations of meteorites that originated on Mars, as well as satellite and Rover data, prove water once existed on Mars, which is the fourth planet from the sun and Earth's nearest Solar System neighbor.

"However," he said, "until a Mars mission successfully returns samples from Mars, mineralogical studies of geochemical processes on Mars will continue to depend heavily on data from meteorites."

Velbel is currently serving as a senior fellow at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C.

The research is published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, a bi-weekly journal co-sponsored by two professional societies, the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Michigan State University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Julie D. Stopar, G. Jeffrey Taylor, Michael A. Velbel, Marc D. Norman, Edward P. Vicenzi, Lydia J. Hallis. Element abundances, patterns, and mobility in Nakhlite Miller Range 03346 and implications for aqueous alteration. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2013; 112: 208 DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.02.024

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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UAE head feted in Britain, Cameron urged to raise torture claims

By Mohammed Abbas

LONDON (Reuters) - The president of the United Arab Emirates met Queen Elizabeth on Tuesday on a visit to Britain where Prime Minister David Cameron is under pressure to raise allegations that UAE police tortured British citizens.

Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahayan's visit poses a delicate diplomatic challenge for Cameron who has already expressed concern about the torture accusations but is keen to boost lucrative trade and strategically important diplomatic relations in the Gulf. The two men are due to meet on Wednesday.

The three Britons, who were jailed in the UAE for four years on Monday for drug offences, said police beat them and threatened them with guns, allegations the police deny. Cameron has called for an inquiry.

Making matters tricky for Cameron is the UAE's status as a key destination for British arms and other exports.

Hanging in the balance is the fate of a British bid to sell BAE Systems-backed Eurofighter Typhoon jets to the UAE, on which a decision is expected soon, and an energy deal expected to be signed on Wednesday with Emirati energy firm Masdar.

Buckingham Palace declined to comment on the torture issue. The Foreign Office said in a statement: "We remain concerned by the allegations of mistreatment on arrest and continue to raise these with the UAE authorities."

New-York-based Human Rights Watch, which labels the UAE's human rights record "increasingly poor", said economic considerations should not stop Cameron pressing Sheikh Khalifa on the issue.

"David Cameron once promised that he would 'stand against ? regimes that persecute their people,' so let's see him do that for these men who have made serious allegations of torture in the UAE," the rights group's Sarah Leah Whitson said.

"The UAE has become a country where people who speak their mind get locked up, and those who get locked up face torture."

Tensions between the West and Iran have increased the strategic importance of the UAE and other states that face the Islamic Republic across the Gulf.

Rights groups accuse Western nations of softening their criticism of abuses in allied Gulf states, including Bahrain, where crackdowns on pro-democracy protests in recent months have garnered a relatively muted response.

(Editing by Robin Pomeroy)


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One step closer to a quantum computer

Apr. 30, 2013 ? Professor Weimin Chen and his colleagues at Link?ping University, in cooperation with German and American researchers, have succeeded in both initializing and reading nuclear spins, relevant to qubits for quantum computers, at room temperature.

The results have just been published in the journal Nature Communications.

A quantum computer is controlled by the laws of quantum physics; it promises to perform complicated calculations, or search large amounts of data, at a speed that exceeds by far those that today's fastest supercomputers are capable of.

"You could say that a quantum computer can think several thoughts simultaneously, while a traditional computer thinks one thought at a time," says Weimin Chen, professor in the Division of Functional Electronic Materials at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology at LiU, and one of the main authors of the article in Nature Communications.

A traditional computer stores, processes and sends all information in the form of bits, which can have a value of 1 or 0. But in the world of quantum physics, at the nano- and atomic level, other rules prevail and a bit in a quantum computer -- a qubit -- can have any value between 1 and 0. A spin-based qubit makes use of the fact that electrons and atomic nuclei rotate around their own axes -- they have a spin. They can rotate both clockwise and counterclockwise (equivalent to 1 and 0), and in both directions simultaneously (a mix of 1 and 0) -- something that is completely unthinkable in the traditional, "classical" world.

An atomic nucleus consists of both protons and neutrons, and the advantage of using the nuclear spin as a qubit is that the nucleus is well protected, and nearly impervious to unwanted electromagnetic disturbance, which is a condition for keeping the sensitive information in the qubit intact.

The first step in building a quantum computer is to assign each qubit a well-defined value, either 1 or 0. Starting, or initiating, the spin-based qubits then requires all the atomic nuclei to spin in the same direction, either 'up' or 'down' (clockwise or counterclockwise). The most common method for polarising nuclear spin is called dynamic nuclear polarisation; this means that the electrons' spin simply influences the nucleus to spin in the same direction. The method requires strongly spin polarised electrons and functions superbly at lower temperatures. Dynamic nuclear polarisation via conduction electrons has, however, not yet been demonstrated at room temperature -- which is crucial for the method to be useful in practice for the development of quantum computers. The main problem is that the spin orientation in the electrons can easily be lost at room temperature, since it is sensitive to disruptions from its surroundings.

Link?ping University researchers Yuttapoom Puttisong, Xingjun Wang, Irina Buyanova and Weimin Chen, together with their German and American colleagues, have now discovered a way of getting around this problem.

Back in 2009, Chen and his research group presented a spin filter that works at room temperature; the filter lets through electrons that have the desired spin direction and screens out the others.

With the help of the spin filter, they have now succeeded in producing a flow of free electrons with a given spin in a material -- in this case GaNAs (gallium nitrogen arsenide). The spin polarisation is so strong that it creates a strong polarisation of the nuclear spin in extra Ga atoms that are added as defects in the material -- and this takes place at room temperature. This is the first time that strong nuclear spin polarisation of a defect atom in a solid is demonstrated at room temperature by spin-polarised conduction electrons.

"We prove experimentally that the measurable magnetic field from the nuclei, as well as the strong polarisation of the nuclear spins in the material at room temperature, comes from the dynamic polarisation of the nuclear spin in the extra added Ga atoms," says Chen.

The researchers have also shown that the polarisation of the nuclear spin happens very quickly -- potentially in less than a nanosecond (one-billionth of a second).

The method proposed also has the advantage of making use of free electrons. This makes it possible to control the polarisation of the spin in the nucleus electrically; in this way the information lying in the spin can both be initiated and read.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Link?ping Universitet.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Y. Puttisong, X.J. Wang, I.A. Buyanova, L. Geelhaar, H. Riechert, A.J. Ptak, C.W. Tu, W.M. Chen. Efficient room-temperature nuclear spin hyperpolarization of a defect atom in a semiconductor. Nature Communications, 2013; 4: 1751 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2776

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Limor Fried Explains Why Adafruit Industries Likes Manufacturing In North America

adafruit-biggsThere's a long-held notion that China should be the go-to place for those in need of inexpensive manufactured products, but some prominent makers don't buy it. Our own John Biggs sat down with Adafruit Industries founder Limor Fried (perhaps better known as Lady Ada) for a chat on the Disrupt Ny stage that quickly turned to deal with the benefits of manufacturing hardware close to home.


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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Engadget Show won two Webby Awards, now we're giving away two Nexus 7s!

The Engadget Show won two Webbys, now you can win a Nexus 7!

We'd like to thank the Academy and all the little people who helped along the way -- but mostly we'd like to thank you, our viewers, for helping The Engadget Show win not one, but two Webby Awards this year. That's right, our plucky little show managed to pick up two of the coveted coils, and we're frankly overjoyed. We're so pumped, in fact, that we don't want the winning to end. As our way of thanking you for the support you've given the show in the past year, we're giving away a shiny new 32GB HSPA+ Nexus 7 to two lucky winners (one for each Webby, naturally), which you can use to watch the latest episode! And once you're done with that, there's an included $25 Google Play gift card to find more stuff to watch (there are plenty more free episodes for you, once that runs out).

Note: Please enter using the widget below, as comments are no longer valid methods of entry. The widget only requires your name and email address so we know how to get in touch with you if you win (your information is not given out to third parties), but you will have an option to receive an additional entry by liking us on Twitter if you so desire.



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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

London climber speaks of Everest Sherpa ?attack?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
9:04 AM

A British climber has described his mountain ordeal during which he thought a gang of Sherpas were going to kill him.

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Photographer Jonathan Griffith, originally from London, said he and two friends were attacked by up to 150 of the Nepalese guides when an argument broke out as they made their way to a camp on Everest.

He told The Sun that he and experienced climbers Simone Moro, 45, from Italy, and Swiss national Ueli Steck, 36, were left bruised and cut after the gang kicked, punched and threw rocks at them.

The three were only saved when another group of climbers intervened, he added.

?They didn?t want to talk, they wanted to finish us off,? he told The Sun.

?They picked up big rocks off the glaciers and started throwing them at us.

?We came under attack for about 15 minutes.?

Mr Griffith, who is from London but now lives in Chamonix, France, claimed the argument started when an angry Sherpa leader confronted the trio and accused them of injuring one of his men, who was securing ropes on the mountain for another expedition.

When the three later returned to their camp at 21,000ft, they found a group of Sherpas waiting for them - but were able to flee when other climbers stepped in to help.

?We owe our lives to these brave people. Without them, we?d surely be dead at the hands of an out of control mob,? Mr Griffith said.

However, Nepalese mountaineering officials said the Sherpas are accusing the foreign climbers of starting the fight.

Dipendra Poudel, of the Mountaineering Department, said they were investigating the incident.


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Good Technology Raises $50M On Its Road To An IPO

goodtechMobile device management company Good Technology has raised $50 million, according to a Securities and Exchange (SEC) filing. A company spokesperson confirmed the fundraising but had no comment about the purpose of the raise. The SEC document says the company is seeking a total of $60 million. Founded?in 1996 and headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., Good Technology is backed by Oak Investment Partners, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Meritech Capital Partners,?DFJ ePlanet Ventures, DFJ Growth Fund, Rustic Canyon Ventures, Allegis Capital, GKM and Blueprint Ventures. In its E round, investors included?Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers,?Benchmark Advanced Equities,?Crosslink Capital?and?Broadview Ventures. Good Technology plays in the fast-consolidating MDM market. It provides enterprise mobility technologies across multiple platforms and security and management software. Its product offerings include Good for Enterprise, Good for Government, Good for OEM Device Manufacturers/Carriers and Good Dynamics. Good puts an emphasis on providing a platform that allows?enterprise developers and ISVs to create secure mobile applications. It has been reported that Good is pursuing an IPO. According to the Wall Street Journal, the company ?has hired four investment banks to explore the possibility of a public offering. The IPO is believed to be taking place later this year. Morgan Stanley, Barclays PLC, Bank of America Corp., and Citigroup Inc. were hired to help with a deal that the WSJ says is likely to be valued at over $1 billion. The bring your own device (BYOD) movement has in many ways changed the dynamics for the way people work. Mobile use is accelerating faster than any expected, leading to some interesting issues for IT managers who have become accustomed to managing desktop personal computers and laptops. The shift has forced the CIO to adopt the tools provided by MDM vendors. Enterprise vendors recognize this budding demand and have been making acquisitions to build out mobile work suites. For example, in January, Citrix acquired Zenprise , an MDM vendor.


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Monday, April 29, 2013

Parents struggle with funding the high cost of college educations

Brian Kerr admits that when it comes to ideas for funding his children's college educations, "unfortunately, I don't have a great plan."

Which is why the father of quadruplets ? all juniors at Heritage High School in Littleton ? recently reached out to an unlikely source for assistance.

"I contacted Dr. Drew," Kerr said, referring to Drew Pinsky, who, besides being an internist, and radio and television host, is also the father of triplets.

"He's got more cheese than I do, but he sent back some reference materials," said Kerr, who added that he's taking an upcoming week off from his job to immerse himself in applications and financial-aid forms. "I was surprised, but right now, I'm looking at any angles that I can."

All across the state, there are families in similar pursuits, whether it's trying to get money for a future student or coming up with ways for current ones to fund their educations in the wake


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Done with Jets, 6 job possibilities for Tim Tebow

NEW YORK (AP) ? Tim Tebow was "excited" about coming to the New York Jets. So much so, he used the word 44 times in his introductory news conference in March 2012.

Well, he must be pretty thrilled to leave.

After a failed one-year stint with the Jets, who never found a consistent or effective role for the backup quarterback, Tebow is free to explore other options after New York released him Monday.

Tebow spent most of his time on the sideline with the Jets, except when he was serving as the personal protector on punts, and never earned the confidence of Rex Ryan even when Mark Sanchez was benched. Meanwhile, Tebow did all he could to not show that he was, well, the opposite of excited.

Tebow believes he is still an NFL-caliber quarterback and it appeared his hometown of Jacksonville would be the obvious landing spot ? until new general manager David Caldwell insisted that wouldn't happen.

There are plenty of opinions on what the football future holds for Tebow, but here's our Pick 6 of potential job opportunities:


The presence of new coach Marc Trestman and former Jets QBs coach Matt Cavanaugh make the Bears a possibility to sign Tebow, who would be a backup again behind Jay Cutler. Trestman worked with Tebow at the Senior Bowl and before the NFL draft in 2010, and raved about his work ethic and potential to become a solid passer.

Trestman, the former coach of the CFL's Montreal Alouettes, has a track record of developing quarterbacks and has also worked with the likes of Cutler, Jason Campbell and Brandon Weeden in recent years as a consultant when they were coming out of college.

Tebow might make for a good fit as the No. 2 quarterback after Campbell signed with the Browns. Whether Trestman would want to start his Bears career by bringing in the hype that comes with Tebow being on the team could be a deterrent.


Philip Rivers took a major step back last season for the Chargers, but still can be one of the league's most productive quarterbacks when he's on his game. So, it's unlikely new coach Mike McCoy will look elsewhere for a starter.

However, McCoy knows all about what Tebow can do when given an opportunity. The two were together in Denver when Tebow pulled off comeback after comeback during the 2011 season and led the Broncos to the playoffs. McCoy, then Denver's offensive coordinator, worked the offense around Tebow's strengths and appeared to be a magician in the process.

While it never truly appeared Tebow was a threat to Sanchez in New York, he could prove to be just that to Rivers ? especially with a coach who believes in his abilities. Whether the Chargers, who just drafted Manti Te'o, would want any added attention remains to be seen.


OK, so it's not exactly the homecoming playing in Jacksonville would be, but Tebow would surely be a big draw in his home state ? even if it's as a backup to Josh Freeman.

The Buccaneers' current backups are Dan Orlovsky, Adam Weber and third-round draft pick Mike Glennon, and Tebow might feel he could overtake them on the depth chart as the No. 2.

Tebow has also spent time this offseason working out in Tampa with a former Buccaneers (and Jets) quarterback: Vinny Testaverde.


Sure, it's a long shot, but Tebow wouldn't be brought in to challenge Tom Brady, of course.

Bill Belichick has a knack for bringing in players that other teams discard ? Wes Welker, Danny Woodhead, Randy Moss, Corey Dillon, Aqib Talib ? and reviving their careers in New England. Tebow has always said he just wants to win, and the Patriots have sure done their share of that. So, playing on special teams ? and perhaps as a fullback/tight end ? and being a mere piece to the puzzle could satisfy Tebow if the W's pile up.

Two other factors to consider: Offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels drafted Tebow out of Florida while he was the coach in Denver, and being able to tweak the Jets always makes Belichick grin a little under his hoodie.


The Alouettes hold exclusive negotiating rights to Tebow in the CFL, where some think he might ultimately end up.

Alouettes GM Jim Popp said his team would welcome Tebow ? but as a backup QB, since 40-year-old Anthony Calvillo is entrenched as Montreal's quarterback. There's some debate, though, whether his game might be better suited there as a quarterback. With the CFL's wide-open fields and pass-heavy offenses, Tebow's run-first approach could further expose his passing deficiencies. But, he somehow seems to make things happen ? when he actually gets some snaps ? and might be able to run all over the place in Canada.

He could also consider the recent offer made by Brett Bouchy, the owner of the Orlando Predators who'd love to see Tebow playing in the Arena League.


This will always be an option for the ultra-popular Tebow, who attracts huge crowds whenever and wherever he speaks at churches and events. He's not shy about sharing his strong Christian beliefs, and his multitude of fans extend far beyond the football field.

Tebow is extremely active with his Tim Tebow Foundation, trying to help and inspire people around the world. When Tebow is done playing football, which he doesn't believe will be anytime soon, he could surely turn appearances as a motivational speaker into a full-time gig.


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Will green tea help you lose weight?

Apr. 29, 2013 ? Evidence has shown that green tea extract may be an effective herbal remedy useful for weight control and helping to regulate glucose in type 2 diabetes. In order to ascertain whether green tea truly has this potential, Jae-Hyung Park and his colleagues from the Keimyung University School of Medicine in the Republic of Korea conducted a study, now published in the Springer journal Naunyn-Schmedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology.

The active constituents of green tea, which have been shown to inhibit intestinal glucose and lipid uptake, are a certain type of flavonoid called gallated catechins. The authors had previously suggested that the amount of gallated catechins necessary to reduce blood glucose concentrations can be achieved from a daily dose of green tea. However, the amount of green tea needed to decrease lipid uptake from the gut is higher and has been shown to have adverse effects in humans. Once in the bloodstream, gallated catechins can actually increase insulin resistance, which is a negative consequence especially in obese and diabetic patients.

For their study, the researchers tested the effects of green tea extract on body weight and glucose intolerance in both diabetic mice and normal mice fed a high-fat diet. To prevent a high dose of gallated catechins from reaching the bloodstream, the authors also used a non-toxic resin, polyethylene glycol, to bind the gallated catechins in the gut to prevent their absorption. They then looked at the effects on the mice of eating green tea extract alone, and eating green tea extract plus polyethylene glycol. They compared these against the effects of two other therapeutic drugs routinely prescribed for type 2 diabetes.

Results showed that green tea extract in isolation did not give any improvements in body weight and glucose intolerance. However, when green tea extract was given with polyethylene glycol, there was a significant reduction in body weight gain, insulin resistance and glucose intolerance in both normal mice on a high fat diet and diabetic mice. The polyethylene glycol had the effect of prolonging the amount of time the gallated catechins remained in the intestines, thereby limiting glucose absorption for a longer period.

Interestingly, the effects of the green tea extract in both the intestines and in the circulation were measurable at doses which could be achieved by drinking green tea on a daily basis. In addition, the effects of green tea extract were comparable to those found when taking two of the drugs which are currently recommended for non-insulin dependent diabetes.

The authors conclude that "dietary green tea extract and polyethylene glycol alleviated body weight gain and insulin resistance in diabetic and high-fat mice, thus ameliorating glucose intolerance. Therefore the green tea extract and polyethylene glycol complex may be a preventative and therapeutic tool for obesity and obesity-related type 2 diabetes without too much concern about side effects."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Springer Science+Business Media.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Park, Jae-Hyung et al. Green tea extract with polyethylene glycol-3350 reduces body weight and improves glucose tolerance in db/db and high-fat diet mice. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2013 DOI: 10.1007/s00210-013-0869-9

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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McConnell tweets an ?Eastwood? from a Kentucky bar

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is ready to take President Barack Obama up on that drink. Unfortunately, he's nowhere near the president.

The Kentucky Republican on Monday posted a picture of himself nestling a glass of beer at a Kentucky bar next to an empty chair and a glass of wine, both presumably meant for Obama.

Congress is currently in recess, so McConnell is back working in Kentucky instead of in the capital.

The picture was posted in response to Obama's speech at the White House Correspondents' Dinner on Saturday, in which he joked about having a drink with McConnell.

"Recently, I had dinner?it?s been well publicized?I had dinner with a number of the Republican senators. And I?ll admit it wasn?t easy. I proposed a toast?it died in committee," Obama said during the speech. "Of course, even after I've done all this, some folks still don?t think I spend enough time with Congress. 'Why don?t you get a drink with Mitch McConnell?' they ask. 'Really? Why don?t you get a drink with Mitch McConnell?' I'm sorry. I get frustrated sometimes."

Speaking of drinking, had Obama actually been present at the Kentucky bar, he could have asked to hear McConnell's step-by-step tutorial on the best use of bourbon, his state's favorite drink.

"The best way to drink it, in my opinion, is to make a Manhattan, which is a combination of bourbon and other unknown substances,? McConnell told Yahoo News' Olivier Knox in February. McConnell had also described the best way to prepare it: ?Drop a couple of cherries on top of it, make sure there's ice there, and it's a terrific drink around Christmastime, which I frequently offer to my guests."


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Home Brew ? Bottling Mead at The Honey House | Easy Vegan ...

Bottling mead


I spent my evening bottling mead with my father. What is mead you ask? Mead or ?Honey wine? is an alcoholic beverage with many dimensions. Depending on the recipe, or traditions practiced this alcohol maybe anywhere between 8% and 18% and may be still, sparkling , sweet, dry or semi-sweet.

Mead is known as the first type of fermented drink, or ancestor to all alcohol. The vikings and danish drank it heavily,?and it has played an important role in many mythologies,?beliefs?and traditions.

Candice hutchings

My father has been making this delicious drink for years. I remember bottling my first few bottles when I was a teenager and I split it all over the kitchen floor. I can grown quite fond of the chemistry involved and I think that may be why I am so drawn to food and the harmony and energy between different plants, or ingredients.

Candice hutchings

I realize that some of you are looking at this post and wondering why, as a vegan, I am posting about something considered not to be vegan. Well truth is.. I am not technically a VEGAN, I am a BEEGAN? a vegan that uses or consumes honey. I am not one for labels, but most of you are so here I am, labeling?myself once again. I?believe?in the power of bees and their honey. I have had many health issues in the past that were healed by it?s natural?occurring?antibiotics and I will continue to use it to keep my body strong. I am open to all opinions, and this just happens to be mine :)

bottling mead


My father is a bee farmer and so I have always loved the science behind the bee and it?s honey. It has been used for years to celebrate and to heal. But using it to create such a delicious drink is one of my favorite uses by far! I love to make my own beer and various liquors ( some are lovely, but they often fail). I hope to make a few different types of homemade beer this summer, then I am able to ensure that I will be drinking beer that I can feel good about!


What adventure will you be tackling this summer?

The edgy veg



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Game Of Tones, The Game That Could Eventually Teach You To Play The Actual Guitar

Screen Shot 2013-04-28 at 11.05.37 PMHot damn, the Disrupt NY 2013 Hackathon was great. Even with the hackathon over and the winner declared (Way to go, Rumbler!), we keep finding more projects we want to highlight. Built in just 24 hours, Game Of Tones is a proof-of-concept game that, with a bit of work, could teach you to play the actual guitar.


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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Greece starts firing civil servants for first time in a century

The Greek government began its first mass-firing of public-sector workers in more than 100 years this week, part of an effort to lay off 180,000 by 2015 under Europe-imposed austerity.

By Nikolia Apostolou,?Correspondent / April 26, 2013

Municipal workers dressed in traditional costumes protest in Athens today against the government?s plan to layoff thousands of public sector workers as part of its austerity reform program.

John Kolesidis/Reuters


Pushed by its European creditors amid its crippling economic crisis, Greece began this week to do something it hasn't done in more than 100 years: fire public-sector workers en masse.

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Following weeks of tough negotiations with its lenders ? the "troika" of the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, and the European Central Bank ? the Greek government started laying off public-sector workers in an effort to implement the austerity that the troika has demanded. The first two civil servants were let go on Wednesday under a new law that speeds up the process ? one, a policeman, for stealing debit cards, and the other for 110 days of unexcused absence.

The mass layoffs were announced last week in a televised address by the Greek prime minister himself, Antonis Samaras. Despite the massive unemployment in Greece, the goal of the government has become the laying off of 180,000 civil servants by 2015. ?This is not a human sacrifice," said Prime Minister Samaras. ?It?s an upgrading of the public sector and it?s one demand of Greek society.?

Samaras though, promised new positions to be created: ?An equal number [of employees] will be hired on merit,? he added.

A century without layoffs

Civil servants? jobs have been protected by a law that dates back to the 1880s, which became enshrined in the century-old Greek constitution. Until that provision became law, each newly elected government would sack the civil servants hired by the previous government to replace them with their own party members, creating civil unrest and a dysfunctional state.

?The logic [behind this law] was that the public administration has to be politically independent, feel secure, and ensure the state?s continuity,? said Dimitris Charalambis, professor of political science at the University of Athens.

Even though the 19th-century law was initially intended to fight nepotism, it caused its own problem: Each successive government hired its own people, adding to a continually expanding civil service without making the public sector any more effective. As a result, the Greek public sector became infamous for being dysfunctional and bureaucratic.

Further, although the law had allowed the firing of civil servants convicted of misappropriation of public funds and other serious crimes or when their jobs are phased out, the civil servants were still guaranteed a right to appeal. The appeal process could take two to three years, during which they were able to remain at work.

The law was changed last November to speed up the appeal process and suspend civil servants charged with crimes. A separate effort today to remove the appeal entirely was blocked by the justice minister as unconstitutional, however.

?[The civil servants], who are charged for disciplinary offenses, have the right to a hearing before the disciplinary council of the civil service and a right to appeal,? says George Katrougalos, professor of law at the Demokritos University of Thrace. ?Until the final decision is reached, they cannot be fired.?

But while the law now strengthens the government's ability to fire civil servants, it also makes the workers more vulnerable ? a particular problem amid Greece's politically charged economic struggles. This week, for example, a teacher was suspended after he was arrested during an anti-austerity demonstration ? a situation more common as of late.

Not a size problem?

Since 2010, when the economic crisis started, public debate over the public sector?s size has grown.

And while the troika has demanded the Greek government shed jobs over the past few years, it had previously done so via civil servants going early into retirement and the expiration of fixed-term employment contracts that some public-sector workers had with the state.

?The public administration has lost about 140,000 posts, from a total of about 700,000. [And now] as the minister of administrative reform has admitted, there are serious problems in many [public] services, especially social ones,? says Katrougalos.

Still, despite its reputation of being overgrown, the Greek public-sector workforce is actually smaller than the European Union average. According to ECB statistics from 2011, Greece employed 29 percent of its labor force in the public sector ? smaller than Belgium's 38 percent and France's 31 percent during the same period.

?The problem is not its size," says Katrougalos, "but the fact that it is irrationally organized, overgrown in some areas and underdeveloped in others, especially in the welfare sector."

? Marina Rigou contributed to this report.


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Justice Breyer has shoulder surgery after fall from bike, Supreme Court says

By Pete Williams and Erin McClam, NBC News

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer had surgery on his right shoulder Saturday to repair a fracture he suffered in a fall from his bicycle a day earlier in Washington, the court said.

The justice, 74, was taken by ambulance to MedStar Georgetown University Hospital after the fall near the Korean War Veterans Memorial on Friday afternoon, the court said in a statement.

The court said that the procedure, reverse shoulder replacement surgery to repair a proximal humerus fracture, was successful and that Breyer was resting comfortably and was expected to be released from the hospital early in the week.

The justice broke his collarbone in an accident two years ago and suffered broken ribs and a punctured lung in a bicycle accident in 1993. He was appointed to the court in 1994 by President Bill Clinton and is considered a member of its liberal wing.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

This story was originally published on


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