Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to Get Your Phone Ringing with New Business Despite the ...

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April 16, 2012 by Frank Goley, Business Consultant

Business Consultant

What is the best business besides a strong customer referral? It is when qualified prospects call you. It is inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is the most superior form of marketing, it can quickly grow business, and it is a refreshing approach to generating profitable new business.

You can try ads in magazines or TV advertisements, but they can quickly get very expensive and the ROI is often questionable.

What is your alternative? Internet marketing. But isn?t that expensive as well with a questionable ROI? Not if you do it right! Internet marketing can quickly generate an enormous amount of qualified prospects calling you to discuss your products and services. Here?s how to do it?

Good SEO

Search engine optimization is the key to getting found on the internet in the general search results. The key to SEO is good, relevant content. If the content is good, then others will notice and soon the search engines will follow. What is important is to make sure you are optimizing your content for the right keywords and getting your content noticed by the right people. I find that the best customers use the general search results. Ranking well in the general results gives you instant relevancy and credibility- two things any discerning customer wants and requires.

Optimized PPC Campaign

Pay Per Click can be very expensive and a big waste of money if not done correctly. We do PPC a little differently. We have the PPC campaign part and parcel to the SEO campaign and strategy. What does this do? It lowers the cost significantly and increases the ROI significantly. Having your SEO and PPC strategies working together in a seamless and cohesive comprehensive strategy will make sure the right internet visitors are clicking on your ads in the search engines. ?

Find a Good Internet Consultant

You can certainly do all the SEO and PPC I mentioned in this blog post, but it is a lot of work and a big learning curve if you have little experience in these areas. Learning curves can get expensive. Internet Marketing Consultants can minimize the learning curve, develop and test campaigns, and then optimize for best returns.

An experienced internet consultant can help you construct a successful inbound marketing campaign which will significantly reduce your advertising budget and exponentially increase your return on marketing dollars invested. You need to find a business consultant that can capture the strategic direction of your company, help you figure out what product and service offerings will work best, can tweak your website design and development, can develop great web content, can develop an excellent SEO and PPC campaign, and manage the two in a cohesive strategy. It takes years of business experience to bring this type of solution to the table and do it well- look for a business consultant that has been around a while, has a track record, and doesn?t take short cuts (i.e. skips white hat SEO methods). ??

This is Just the Beginning

Good SEO and PPC is just the beginning to a great inbound marketing campaign. Newsletters, Social Networks, Viral Marketing, Video Marketing, etc are all great avenues to expand the potential of your inbound marketing campaign. There is really no limit in what you can do, and you will find that inbound marketing customers are the most qualified customers you will find. And, they call you! What could be better than that?

What Kind of Results Can You Expect?

If an internet marketing campaign is done right, it is based upon results and high ROI. Don?t take my word for it?Here is an example of what one of my customers said about the results they experienced as a result of my SEO and PPC work?

?I have been working with Frank Goley of ABC Business Consulting for several months now. The results and benefits have been exceptional. We have been able to significantly grow our business through the business plan implementation, consulting recommendations, and web marketing strategies that Frank has worked closely with me in developing and implementing. Also, the opportunity to consult with Frank at anytime about any business issue or opportunity has been great- he has been a great asset to our business planning and decision making. As a result of Frank?s advice, our newly developed website, and the ongoing internet marketing and SEO campaign, we have seen great results, including: our energy monitor product sales have doubled, our solar system business is on track for a banner year with a three-fold increase, our targeted website visitors have increased 1,500%, and our Bounce Rate is an incredibly low 5%!? ? Randy Velker, Owner, Simple Energy Works, ?

Find a good internet consultant, the results will be worth it?

Internet Marketing Resources

For more tips on SEO, PPC and Internet Marketing see my blog section on Business Internet Strategies.

Posted in Business Internet Strategies, Business Marketing Strategies, Business Recession Tactics and tagged business consultant, inbound marketing, internet marketing, internet marketing consultant, pay per click, ppc, search engine optimization, seo.

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