Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Paternos donate $100,000 to Penn State

Paul Vathis / AP file

Former Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno, right, with his ex-defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky.

By msnbc.com staff and The Associated Press

Penn State?s legendary football coach Joe Paterno donated $100,000 to the university, weeks after university trustees fired him amid allegations his former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky had molested children, The Patriot-News reported on Monday.

Paterno and his wife, Sue, made the donation in December.?Sue Paterno on Monday said the donation had been an annual gift to the Paterno Liberal Arts Undergraduate Fellows Program and the Paterno Library.

Students in the fellows program receive $1,500 to $5,000 to help fund research, overseas study and internships.

English professor Jack Selzer, who runs it, said the $50,000 gift was the couple's second contribution to the program.

"It helps students who otherwise would never have a chance to study abroad (to) have a chance," Selzer told the Associated Press. "It really frees them up for experiences that they could otherwise never afford."

Over the years, the Paternos have donated more than $4 million to the university and have helped raised an additional $14 million for the library, according to Bloomberg News.

Paterno, a member of the College Football of Fame who turned 85 on Dec. 21,?has not spoken publicly since his ouster. He has since been?diagnosed with a treatable form of lung cancer.?

Paterno and university President Graham Spanier were fired by trustees in November for failing to tell police what they knew about accusations involving Sandusky. Paterno has testified before a grand jury about the charges.

Jerry Sandusky spoke exclusively to Rock Center, telling Bob Costas that he is not a pedophile. Sandusky was charged earlier this month with 40 criminal counts accusing him of sexual abuse of minors.

One-time Paterno heir apparent, 67-year-old Sandusky faces 52 child molestation charges involving 10 young boys. Sandusky has denied the allegations, telling NBC that he showered and horsed around with boys but never sexually abused them. He is under house arrest.

Gary Schultz, a former vice president, and Curley, the athletic director, are charged with perjury and failure to report suspected child abuse. All three men have denied the allegations and await trial. Schultz has since retired, while Curley is on leave.

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? 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/01/09/10077655-paternos-donate-100000-to-penn-state

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