Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Email Marketing Tips - Online Business Expert Articles


Email marketing is a solid way to increase sales, but one thing I don?t have is a crystal ball.

I wish I did.

Because then I?d be able to answer the question, ?will this email work??.

And of course, I can?t answer that. No one can.

I mean, I don?t even know if any one of my own marketing emails is going to work, so there?s no way on Earth I can second-guess how your audience is going to react to one of yours.

In fact, I?ve been doing this for so long and written so many marketing emails I was convinced were absolute killers but flopped? and so many I thought were plain so-so but made me oodles of sales, I?ve ceased worrying about it or even making predictions.

But it?s all OK.

Because it really doesn?t matter.

If you?re writing an email every day, then you?re sending so many, over time, the chances are you are necessarily going to get those ?sweet spots? where you hit the thing right out of the park.

The long-term strategy works. The short-term strategy of the individual email might not.

It?s just classic 80/20, is all.

The only problem is you can?t see ahead of time the 20% giving you the 80% of your results.

So you have to write them all.

The problem is? most business owners get stuck with the worry the ONE they?re writing RIGHT NOW might not ?work?.

So they sit and look at it for days, poking and tweaking trying to get it ?just right?. Which, of course, it never can be. What?s more, I can positively guarantee without any shadow of doubt whatsoever, every email you don?t send because it?s not perfect makes you exactly zero sales. Or, to put it another way, the most perfect email sitting on your hard drive is infinitely less valuable than the ?so so? one you actually send.

I used to say I?d only ever met one person who started sending frequent emails (and I define that as at least three times a week on weekdays, so you?re sending one more often than not) who didn?t make more sales by doing it.

I?ve had to change my story on that one.

Because she?s recently made some changes and now? she?s making regular ?out of the park? sales.

So now I can truthfully say I have never had ANYONE take my advice on this an NOT see an increase in sales.

Something to think about, methinks.

Jon McCulloch is Ireland?s leading direct email marketing consultant. Visit http://www.jonmcculloch.com now and take just 3 of the dozens of FREE small business promotion tips he?s giving away today, and actually put them to work for you and you?ll be thrilled by the results.

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