Thursday, May 31, 2012

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale ...

There are a million things that need to be burned into your senses and your brain. Family, friends, love, happiness, and providing for all of them in your selected business?

It is assumed by MANY that I have somehow become a tree-hugging-hippie who does not understand the impact of money as the Czar of Short Sale Advocacy?

Nothing could be further from the truth!

You must get a short sale listing, process the short sale listing, and then you get paid. To get the listing you must focus on outreach and helping the homeowner long before you get the listing AND there is NO script on the planet that will teach you how to be a genuine advocate, you either are or you are not!

These are the three funnels that will get you listings which will then get you paid!

Quick experiment?

Enter you name?

Are you on page 1 with your website?

If you have a very ?unusual? last name, like ?honish? you had better be on page one, however if you have a more common name like ?smith?, ?guzman? or ?duncan? then you may have a bit of an issue getting onto page one.


Next experiment?

Enter your city and the words ?short sale?, ?city short sale??

Are you on page 1 with your website?

Probably not and that?s a HUGE problem! The interesting fact is that the people who you see on page one of Google, more than likely do not have to do ANY marketing and their web presence actually generates new listings.

CLICK HERE for the formula for page one on Google and it?s FREE!

This is a bitter pill to swallow for most, but the reality is that you must educate everyone in the short sale market. The true reality is that 80-90% of the short sale universe is comprised of 2 groups:

1. Those that make money on real estate agents and in fact do not know SQUAT about real life short sales but bleed agents of money with snake oil and promises!

2. Those who are real estate agents who think they know about short sales from the training of bad sources because they paid for the training.

Keep it simple for success, you must position yourself as an advocate to overcome your own personal demons and personal fears about the current real estate market. To do this there is really only one way to re-educate yourself as an educator.

Teach people for free!

Homeowners and other agents need an education on the subject of real life short sales and it falls on your shoulders to be that person.

CLICK HERE and get a FREE seminar room!

While this ultimately will be perceived as me doing an ?up sale? for the MONSTER? marketing program on direct marketing?

This is more about a commentary about what is successful?

Getting the ?right? and correct DATA is everything when it comes to direct marketing and the sources that most agents use is woeful at best!


Personally, use whatever marketing approach you want, the MONSTER? works and it?s inexpensive and it?s step by step AND it?s tested to get listings?

CLICK HERE for pre-nod data information

Whatever you do, do something! It is summer and there are NO properties to list other than short sales and with the FREEZE on REO listings, buyers will want to buy ?something? and if you aren?t working short sales you will probably be out of business by the end of summer?
Lee Honish

CLICK HERE for MONSTER information

If you cannot afford my program, please let me know how I can help you? there is always a way to make it work! for more information on Lee Honish or short sales

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale


Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

Short Sale Marketing | Real Estate Marketing | What is a short sale

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