Thursday, June 7, 2012

Forever on the run : OOC

Someone was after her. And they weren?t giving up. But either was she. She would run to the ends of the earth, if she had to, because there was no way she was letting them get to her. If they got to her, they got to her weaknesses; they got to her innermost secrets. And if they found her secrets, they could hurt everyone she loved and ultimately destroy her. So she could not let that happen. She changed her hair color, her eye color, her name, her documents, everything, every time they got close to finding out who she was. She had been all over the world, originally being born in England. She had brothers, but she has no idea where they are now. She knows they are safe because she wear a pendant around her neck, her brothers have identical matches, and as long as they are okay, the stone in the pendant will be blue, but when it turns red, something is seriously wrong.

This month she was staying in a small town in Greece. She was sleeping in a barn at night and during the day she worked by the shipyard, selling fruit. The locals were nice enough not to bother her or ask too many questions. She found that where ever she went, the children always flocked to her, wanting her to tell stories, or to play games with them or do their hair. She didn?t mind, traveling so much got lonely. She wished she had someone to come with her, to fight alongside her and keep her safe. But she would never wish this kind of life on anyone.

Name: Annabel Watson
Age: 21
Origin: (ethnicity/nationality) British
Appearance: (pics, no anime) ... igress.jpg
Objects: (jewelry, weapons) ... 4v16fx.jpg ... ephoto.jpg
Personality: The years of running and fighting have made her tough, but she has a kind heart, and when she loves, she loves deep and unconditionally.
Likes/Dislikes: reading, horses, children, singing, and lemons // running, evil people, open spaces, hiding.
Strengths/Weaknesses: fencing, horseback riding, likeable, active // her secrets, her heart
Background: running from people that was to torture her for information, her brothers are nowhere to be found, but alive, she runs from place to place and changes her identity often.
Other: She tries to do something good everywhere she stops. Don?t underestimate her size, she?s been at this game for a while.

Alright people!!! So...i atleast need one male to be her hero, and maybe some friends or enemies to go along for the ride. post here first, so i can approve.
You know the typical rules, i shouldn't have to tell you twice.
No weird stuff, okay?
Now, this is in like the 40s/50s. So theres not a lot of technology.
Hope everyone enjoys :) Plz post often

Origin: (ethnicity/nationality)
Appearance: (pics/no anime)
Objects: (jewlery/weapons)

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