Friday, June 8, 2012

Golf's in fashion for Alberni ladies

Calling all lady golfers: all you need is a partner, an RCGA handicap, the price of admission and you?re ?in? for the biggest tournament of the season at the Alberni Golf Club.

Great challenges, prizes and a delicious dinner will round out your day perfectly. Registration forms may be found in the restaurant at the clubhouse and on the bulletin board in the ladies? lounge.

A unique fashion show featuring 100 years of the latest fashions, ?then and now?, will be enjoyed in that quiet time between the game and the awarding of prizes.

Broom and buttercups cast a yellow pall on the ladies? tourney last week, but Shannon Haggard?s game wasn?t to be sneezed at. She beat out Cross for the Challenge Pin and has already been challenged by Carol Bouchard for next week.

This week?s low gross score went to Sharon Haggard, who came in with a 97. Carol Hastings snapped up the low net placing with her 68, which also gave her the Monthly Medal for June.

The ball sweep went to the golfer with assorted additions on different par holes. For instance a golfer had a choice of lowest two par 3s; lowest five par 4s and lowest two par 5s. Joan Thompson managed a score of 39 on accumulated holes, narrowly beating out Anna Marie Krikke.

Recent events for the 18-Hole Division found B-Jay Harper and Carol Bouchard playing off at the Champion of Champions. Neither were successful. The champion is Michelle McCann whose home course is Glacier Greens in Comox.? This dictates that the final Champion of Champions tournament will be hosted at Glacier Greens next year.

Watch for the up and coming rules seminar to be held soon. This will be a basic rule education rally focusing on the correct way to identify your ball, basic bunker etiquette, how to mark your ball, etc.? One thing to always remember is to sign your score card. Many times that little detail gets left undone and the rule is unforgiving: if you don?t sign your card you will be disqualified.

The computer is open, which means that summer rules are in effect. That means? lift, clean and place are not in effect.

Solheim Cup players will head to Morningstar Golf Course on June 27. For this occasion only carts will be had for half price. The shotgun start will be for 8:30 a.m.

Spotters are needed for the Men?s West Coast Open which will be a two-day tournament to be held on June 16?17.

Call the pro shop if you can help out.

Nine-Hole division

A Division ? Penny Churchill was the low gross scorer. Marilyn Merwin not only had low net but also came in tied with Jan Charlesworth for low putts.

B Division ? Leslie Anderson had low gross. Lorraine Wilson not only had low putts for this Division but also scored low net.

Chip-ins were recorded by Marilyn Merwin on Hole No. 17 and Pennie Churchill on No. 18.

Merwin also carded a birdie.? Pars were achieved by Charlesworth on No. 18, Anderson on No. 17 and Sharon Hillman on No. 12.

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